WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en-US 00:00:00.560 --> 00:00:04.000 Hello. I’m Tyler Ladinsky with the California Geological Survey 00:00:04.000 --> 00:00:07.840 Seismic Hazards Program. And today I’ll provide a brief discussion 00:00:07.840 --> 00:00:11.680 of the current understanding of activity on onshore upper-plate faults behind 00:00:11.680 --> 00:00:15.096 the Redwood Curtain in Humboldt County in southern Cascadia. 00:00:15.120 --> 00:00:18.080 Special thanks to Harvey Kelsey and Gary Simpson who provided 00:00:18.080 --> 00:00:21.416 critical feedback and discussions for this talk. 00:00:21.440 --> 00:00:24.720 Okay, so let’s look at the talk outline. We’ll start by reviewing the geodetic 00:00:24.720 --> 00:00:27.360 budget of the southern Cascadia subduction zone and Mendocino 00:00:27.360 --> 00:00:30.800 Triple Junction. Then we’ll do a brief overview and introduction 00:00:30.800 --> 00:00:34.480 to upper-plate faults in the region. From there, we’ll transition to review 00:00:34.480 --> 00:00:39.176 modeling of the megathrust interface and discuss the 6.2 Petrolia earthquake. 00:00:39.200 --> 00:00:42.080 Then we’ll spend time discussing two upper-plate faults – the Mad River 00:00:42.080 --> 00:00:44.880 Fault Zone and the Little Salmon. And I’ll review and compare the 00:00:44.880 --> 00:00:49.256 paleoseismic records of the Little Salmon and the megathrust. 00:00:49.280 --> 00:00:53.520 So starting with the geodetics in this region, looking at the image in the 00:00:53.520 --> 00:00:57.176 center of the screen, the tectonic map of the Pacific Northwest, 00:00:57.200 --> 00:01:02.296 outlined in red is southern Cascadia and the Mendocino Triple Junction. 00:01:02.320 --> 00:01:06.000 Now, if we zoom in on that red box, we see the plate and block model 00:01:06.000 --> 00:01:08.376 from Williams et al. on the left. 00:01:08.400 --> 00:01:12.160 The non-colored area labeled MDZ reflects the Mendocino deformation 00:01:12.160 --> 00:01:14.960 zone, which is accommodating deformation from three primary 00:01:14.960 --> 00:01:18.400 stresses – eastward subduction of the Gorda Plate, 00:01:18.400 --> 00:01:21.840 west-northwest translation of the Sierra Nevada Great Valley block, 00:01:21.840 --> 00:01:25.576 and north-northwest translation of the San Andreas Fault system. 00:01:25.600 --> 00:01:27.280 Eastward conversion for the Gorda Plate 00:01:27.280 --> 00:01:30.456 is estimated to be about 34 millimeters a year. 00:01:30.480 --> 00:01:34.000 Now, this image on the right is also from Williams et al. and it shows 00:01:34.000 --> 00:01:38.216 GPS residual velocities with the effects of subduction removed. 00:01:38.240 --> 00:01:42.480 And at the latitude of Cape Mendocino or the Mendocino Triple Junction, 00:01:42.480 --> 00:01:45.840 it’s estimated to be around 22 millimeters a year of distributed 00:01:45.840 --> 00:01:51.816 dextral strain across an 80-kilometer- wide swath noted by that red rectangle. 00:01:51.840 --> 00:01:56.640 At the latitude of Humboldt Bay in the green rectangle, it’s estimated about 00:01:56.640 --> 00:02:00.536 6 to 10 millimeters a year of San Andreas Fault parallel compression. 00:02:00.560 --> 00:02:03.920 So overall, we can see that southern Cascadia is being affected not only 00:02:03.920 --> 00:02:08.842 by subduction but by northward migration of the Mendocino Triple Junction. 00:02:09.680 --> 00:02:16.160 Okay, so let’s talk brief introduction and overview to the location and 00:02:16.160 --> 00:02:20.296 orientation of upper-plate faults in southern Cascadia. 00:02:20.320 --> 00:02:24.560 Note the insert map of the upper plate – note the insert map in the upper left 00:02:24.560 --> 00:02:27.760 for geographic location. I’m going to go through these pretty fast 00:02:27.760 --> 00:02:30.456 because there’s a lot of them. So, in the interest of time, 00:02:30.480 --> 00:02:33.896 from north to south we have the Grogan Fault, which is there. 00:02:33.920 --> 00:02:37.176 The Big Lagoon/ Bald Mountain Fault there. 00:02:37.200 --> 00:02:41.896 The Mad River Fault zone, which we’ll talk more about in a minute is there. 00:02:41.920 --> 00:02:44.030 Freshwater Fault. 00:02:44.800 --> 00:02:46.800 Little Salmon Fault and Goose Lake Fault there, 00:02:46.800 --> 00:02:51.416 which we’ll talk more about as well. Eaton Roughs Fault. 00:02:51.440 --> 00:02:53.736 Russ Fault. 00:02:53.760 --> 00:02:56.284 Bear River Fault zone. 00:02:56.720 --> 00:02:59.816 Then the Honeydew Fault zone. 00:02:59.840 --> 00:03:04.720 Now, listed on the right is the modeled slip rate for each fault 00:03:04.720 --> 00:03:09.040 based off UCERF3. Notably, the Mad River and 00:03:09.040 --> 00:03:13.656 Little Salmon contribute 6.4 and 4.5 millimeters of slip, 00:03:13.680 --> 00:03:16.696 which is about 86% of the total budget. 00:03:16.720 --> 00:03:21.829 Total modeled slip budget in the area is about 12-1/2 millimeters a year. 00:03:23.040 --> 00:03:26.696 Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about the megathrust interface. 00:03:26.720 --> 00:03:30.000 So, on the image on the left, we have the Gorda Slab interface 00:03:30.000 --> 00:03:32.080 as modeled by McCrory et al. 00:03:32.080 --> 00:03:35.120 Notice along southern Cascadia, the slab flattens significantly. 00:03:35.120 --> 00:03:39.736 The cross-section across the black line is shown there. 00:03:39.760 --> 00:03:43.200 This image is modified from McCrory et al. to include low-frequency 00:03:43.200 --> 00:03:47.496 earthquakes from Plourde et al., as shown by the red circles, 00:03:47.520 --> 00:03:51.440 to depict a location of transition from seismic to aseismic deformation 00:03:51.440 --> 00:03:54.054 along the megathrust [inaudible]. 00:03:55.040 --> 00:03:59.096 So that inverted brown triangle represents the deformation front. 00:03:59.120 --> 00:04:02.216 This blue triangle is the coastline. 00:04:02.240 --> 00:04:07.496 So, overall – and the magenta line, I should say, is the top of the slab as well. 00:04:07.520 --> 00:04:10.880 So what we can see is that the seismogenic zone extends about 00:04:10.880 --> 00:04:14.584 140 kilometers inland from the deformation front. 00:04:15.440 --> 00:04:17.840 The depth of the megathrust underneath the location 00:04:17.840 --> 00:04:22.291 of these upper-plate faults is around 20 kilometers. 00:04:23.840 --> 00:04:28.880 So all this to say that the upper-plate faults have ample possibility to connect 00:04:28.880 --> 00:04:33.040 with the locked zone of the megathrust. Example of a 45-degree dipping fault 00:04:33.040 --> 00:04:36.240 at the coastline shown there. And, if we were to go 20 kilometers inland 00:04:36.240 --> 00:04:40.615 from the coast and have a 30-degree dipping fault, it’s shown there. 00:04:42.320 --> 00:04:47.576 Okay, so let’s talk briefly about the Petrolia event. 00:04:47.600 --> 00:04:50.000 It seems like it fits so well into fault connectivity, 00:04:50.000 --> 00:04:52.160 I wanted to throw in a little bit, but in the interest of time, 00:04:52.160 --> 00:04:54.880 I’m going to kind of just make a couple observations. 00:04:54.880 --> 00:04:58.400 So the image on the left shows a foreshock, main shock, 00:04:58.400 --> 00:05:02.296 and aftershock location to the 6.2 Petrolia earthquake. 00:05:02.320 --> 00:05:07.120 Note the 5.7 foreshock occurred offshore on the Mendocino fracture 00:05:07.120 --> 00:05:10.720 zone at a depth of around 16 kilometers, followed very closely by the onshore 00:05:10.720 --> 00:05:16.936 6.2 main shock, which occurred at a depth of around 27 kilometers. 00:05:16.960 --> 00:05:19.520 So, on the image on the left, we have the aftershock sequence, 00:05:19.520 --> 00:05:24.160 and we have these blue lines that show the contour intervals of the slab 00:05:24.160 --> 00:05:30.480 interface from McCrory et al., and we can see that the slab contour that goes – 00:05:30.480 --> 00:05:34.856 that projects towards these aftershock sequences is 20 kilometers’ depth. 00:05:34.880 --> 00:05:37.760 Now, most of the aftershocks were predominantly greater than 00:05:37.760 --> 00:05:40.720 20 kilometers’ depth, which is consistent with that a lot of these 00:05:40.720 --> 00:05:44.136 aftershock sequences were confined to the lower plate. 00:05:44.160 --> 00:05:47.600 Now, what’s really interesting is that, while the aftershock pattern seems to 00:05:47.600 --> 00:05:50.800 be located in the lower plate, it roughly aligns with the 00:05:50.800 --> 00:05:54.080 west-northwest-trending Bear River Fault Zone in the upper plate, 00:05:54.080 --> 00:05:58.660 which indicates that these plates may be interacting with each other. 00:05:59.920 --> 00:06:02.320 Focal mechanism in the main shock was consistent 00:06:02.320 --> 00:06:06.000 with west-northwest dextral motion as well. 00:06:06.000 --> 00:06:10.216 Okay, so let’s move on and talk about some of these upper-plate faults. 00:06:10.240 --> 00:06:13.120 So the Mad River Fault Zone located there. 00:06:13.120 --> 00:06:15.816 I’m going to zoom up on the Mad River Fault Zone. 00:06:15.840 --> 00:06:20.240 So the Mad River Fault Zone is a southwest-verging fold and thrust belt 00:06:20.240 --> 00:06:24.480 composed of five principal imbricate thrust faults – the Trinidad, Blue Lake, 00:06:24.480 --> 00:06:26.880 McKinleyville, Mad River, and Fickle Hill. 00:06:26.880 --> 00:06:30.240 So, from north to south, Trinidad, Blue Lake’s down here, 00:06:30.240 --> 00:06:34.880 McKinleyville, the Mad River strand proper, and then Fickle Hill. 00:06:34.880 --> 00:06:40.365 And you can see that there’s numerous of other strands that aren’t named. 00:06:41.520 --> 00:06:44.320 And then you can see the image on the – on the bottom here shows 00:06:44.320 --> 00:06:48.080 basically the geometry of this – the Mad River Fault Zone, 00:06:48.080 --> 00:06:52.696 which is approximately a cross-section through this white line here. 00:06:52.720 --> 00:06:56.240 Minimum shortening across the Mad River is about 3-1/2 kilometers a year. 00:06:56.240 --> 00:07:00.240 It’s around 40 kilometers long. There’s an area of well-preserved 00:07:00.240 --> 00:07:05.680 scarps, particularly out on the marine terrace here, forming these late 00:07:05.680 --> 00:07:12.536 Pleistocene marine terraces with scarps greater than 10 meters high. 00:07:12.560 --> 00:07:15.360 So very well-preserved scarps. The recurrence interval is considered 00:07:15.360 --> 00:07:19.176 to be greater than or equal to about 5,000 years. 00:07:19.200 --> 00:07:22.160 So clearly the recurrence interval appears to be an order of magnitude 00:07:22.160 --> 00:07:27.360 greater than the megathrust. Also paleoseismic data is 00:07:27.360 --> 00:07:29.680 limited around here. We have evidence on three strands 00:07:29.680 --> 00:07:32.720 in the Mad River Fault Zone, which is the Blue Lake – 00:07:32.720 --> 00:07:36.640 or, I’ll start here actually – the McKinleyville in the north; 00:07:36.640 --> 00:07:39.280 the Mad River, which is also known as the School site; 00:07:39.280 --> 00:07:40.936 and then the Blue Lake here. 00:07:40.960 --> 00:07:45.976 So we’re going to focus a little bit on the School Road site here. 00:07:46.000 --> 00:07:49.016 So there’s some conflicting paleoseismic data. 00:07:49.040 --> 00:07:53.280 Carver and Burke noted multiple earthquakes, about six events during the 00:07:53.280 --> 00:07:57.096 Late Pleistocene and early Holocene based off of event-derived colluvium. 00:07:57.120 --> 00:08:00.880 Here’s their trench log on the right. A couple things to note. 00:08:00.880 --> 00:08:07.417 The thick black line represents the abrasion platform that’s been overturned. 00:08:07.442 --> 00:08:11.840 And then they have a sequence of six stacked colluvial wedges here as well. 00:08:11.840 --> 00:08:16.240 Now, there was sparse radiocarbon data collected, and it overall 00:08:16.240 --> 00:08:22.240 provides pretty broad constraints – timing of deformation. 00:08:23.760 --> 00:08:26.560 And then subsequent trenching adjacent to School Road by 00:08:26.560 --> 00:08:30.776 Gary Simpson was not able to corroborate these number of events. 00:08:30.800 --> 00:08:34.000 And there’s his – there’s his interpreted trench log on the left. 00:08:34.000 --> 00:08:37.600 He was able to identify two paleoearthquakes, two colluvial 00:08:37.600 --> 00:08:42.000 wedges – or, event-derived colluvium. And he also identified other colluvial 00:08:42.000 --> 00:08:47.096 packages that were interpreted as interseismic deposition. 00:08:47.120 --> 00:08:50.480 So many questions remain about the Mad River Fault Zone. 00:08:50.480 --> 00:08:53.280 I would say there’s more we don’t know about it than maybe we do. 00:08:53.280 --> 00:08:57.200 It appears southwest-stepping. What traces are active? 00:08:57.200 --> 00:08:59.850 What traces are inactive? 00:08:59.884 --> 00:09:02.400 Is a rupture out of sequence? There’s a lot of strands we really 00:09:02.400 --> 00:09:06.160 don’t have any information on. And, for the major strands, I would say 00:09:06.160 --> 00:09:09.360 the mid- to late Holocene slip rate recurrence interval and 00:09:09.360 --> 00:09:12.970 earthquake chronology remains unknown. 00:09:14.480 --> 00:09:19.045 So let’s move on, talk about the Little Salmon Fault. 00:09:19.920 --> 00:09:25.040 There’s the Little Salmon. Zooming in on the blue triangle now. 00:09:25.040 --> 00:09:28.000 So the Little Salmon Fault is thought to be the primary upper-plate fault 00:09:28.000 --> 00:09:31.840 in the region with a slip rate of about 3 to 12 millimeters a year. 00:09:31.840 --> 00:09:35.440 Now, in this image on the left, we can see that it’s basically – 00:09:35.440 --> 00:09:40.320 it’s outlined here in red, first off. And you can see that it’s been 00:09:40.320 --> 00:09:43.440 broadly categorized by its orientation with the three different segments. 00:09:43.440 --> 00:09:46.320 So the northwestern segment trends north-northwest. 00:09:46.320 --> 00:09:49.600 The central segment has a little more westerly component to it. 00:09:49.600 --> 00:09:54.536 And then the southeastern segment trends really west-northwest. 00:09:54.560 --> 00:09:58.400 The green circles here represent paleoseismic studies that have been 00:09:58.400 --> 00:10:02.960 completed on paleoseismic data points that we have on the Little Salmon Fault. 00:10:02.960 --> 00:10:07.272 And you can see that they’re generally confined to the northwest segment. 00:10:08.240 --> 00:10:10.240 In the northwest segment, they were able to conclude 00:10:10.240 --> 00:10:13.496 there’s been about three earthquakes in the last 1,700 years. 00:10:13.520 --> 00:10:17.440 So recent work that I was involved with is down here in the central segment. 00:10:17.440 --> 00:10:20.240 And we were trying to see if we can also corroborate the number 00:10:20.240 --> 00:10:23.416 of events that they were seeing in the northwestern segment. 00:10:23.440 --> 00:10:25.920 A couple other facts about the Little Salmon, then we’ll get into 00:10:25.920 --> 00:10:28.616 the Quail site – Quail trench site in a minute. 00:10:28.640 --> 00:10:32.000 40 kilometers long with about 4 kilometers of shortening across it. 00:10:32.000 --> 00:10:34.880 And I wanted to note that the eastern segment where there’s been 00:10:34.880 --> 00:10:39.520 no work done, the relatively recent Lidar does provide evidence for robust 00:10:39.520 --> 00:10:43.430 scraps in the very steep, rugged terrain, as shown here. 00:10:43.735 --> 00:10:47.255 So it suggests that it continues to be very active 00:10:47.280 --> 00:10:50.456 as it comes through the southeastern segment. 00:10:50.480 --> 00:10:58.160 Okay. So the Quail trench – Quail site. So this was the most recent work 00:10:58.160 --> 00:11:01.360 done on the Little Salmon. It was a project I was involved with. 00:11:01.360 --> 00:11:03.680 And we referred to it as the Quail site, as I mentioned. 00:11:03.680 --> 00:11:07.360 So this image here shows the site map, and then this lower image on the right 00:11:07.360 --> 00:11:10.720 is our interpreted trench log. And just briefly, you know, a series 00:11:10.720 --> 00:11:15.360 of shallow, low-angle thrust faults. Strong evidence for the most recent 00:11:15.360 --> 00:11:18.776 earthquake and moderate evidence for two additional earthquakes. 00:11:18.800 --> 00:11:22.320 Overall sediments in the hanging wall were folded around the fault tip 00:11:22.320 --> 00:11:24.136 and thrust over the footwall. 00:11:24.160 --> 00:11:28.880 And going on to our earthquake chronology, our preferred OxCal model 00:11:28.880 --> 00:11:33.360 for the MRE, or most recent earthquake, based off of C-14 and OSL, 00:11:33.360 --> 00:11:39.040 constrains it be between 950 and 1540 BP. So, it appears the central segment 00:11:39.040 --> 00:11:40.800 of the Little Salmon has less-frequent earthquakes 00:11:40.800 --> 00:11:44.320 than the northwest segment. It’s on a couple caveats, which is, 00:11:44.320 --> 00:11:48.000 the single trench, stratigraphic resolution of the trench was moderate, 00:11:48.000 --> 00:11:51.600 and there was bioturbation – we did struggle with bioturbation 00:11:51.600 --> 00:11:54.230 in the upper part of the trench. 00:11:55.200 --> 00:11:58.960 So now let’s kind of bring this all together in the Little Salmon 00:11:58.960 --> 00:12:05.016 and megathrust. So this image on the right basically has, in blue here, 00:12:05.040 --> 00:12:08.640 the earthquake chronology of the megathrust at the latitude 00:12:08.640 --> 00:12:15.280 of Humboldt Bay. This work was done by Jay Padgett, and it’s shown here. 00:12:15.280 --> 00:12:18.800 We have Event A, C, D, and E. 00:12:18.800 --> 00:12:20.960 And I should say that his work was completed using 00:12:20.960 --> 00:12:25.400 subsidence stratigraphy and high-resolution C-14 dating. 00:12:27.040 --> 00:12:32.635 Also I want to say that Event A is correlated to the 1700 A.D. event. 00:12:33.440 --> 00:12:36.160 So these next columns here, we have the Swiss Hall site, which is on the 00:12:36.160 --> 00:12:40.000 northwest segment; the Little Salmon Valley, which is also on the northwest 00:12:40.000 --> 00:12:43.040 segment; and then the site we were just discussing about the Quail site. 00:12:43.040 --> 00:12:46.000 Also included the turbidite data from Goldfinger et al. as another 00:12:46.000 --> 00:12:49.440 point of comparison. So starting out with the Quail site 00:12:49.440 --> 00:12:52.240 on the central segment of the Little Salmon, our most recent 00:12:52.240 --> 00:12:58.216 earthquake could correlate with Event D or Event E on the megathrust. 00:12:58.240 --> 00:13:04.320 However, we did not find evidence for the 1700 A.D., or Event A, event. 00:13:04.320 --> 00:13:10.080 Now, looking at the Swiss Hall site by Witter et al., the MRE they identified 00:13:10.080 --> 00:13:15.120 does correlate with the 1700 A.D. Similarly, work done by Carver and 00:13:15.120 --> 00:13:20.320 Burke was also able to corroborate or correlate with the 1700 A.D. event. 00:13:20.320 --> 00:13:23.440 Another important point is that both the Swiss Hall and Little Salmon Valley 00:13:23.440 --> 00:13:29.983 sites were able to identify about three earthquakes within the last 1,700 years. 00:13:30.160 --> 00:13:36.160 So it does seem that the paleoseismic record allows the possibility for 00:13:36.160 --> 00:13:41.120 synchronous rupture between the Little Salmon Fault and the megathrust, 00:13:41.120 --> 00:13:44.698 at least looking at the northwestern segment. 00:13:46.720 --> 00:13:50.480 A couple quick things just to note. Most of these studies relied 00:13:50.480 --> 00:13:54.240 on radiometric analysis. And, while there’s no problem 00:13:54.240 --> 00:13:58.720 with that, there are some limitations with precision and inherited ages 00:13:58.720 --> 00:14:02.080 with C-14 in some of these paleoseismic sites. 00:14:02.080 --> 00:14:05.600 And, when you combine that with the short recurrence interval of the 00:14:05.600 --> 00:14:09.760 megathrust, which down here can be as short as 200 years, maybe 500 years, 00:14:09.760 --> 00:14:12.880 it really makes it challenging to get unequivocal evidence of synchronous 00:14:12.880 --> 00:14:17.089 rupture through the earthquake chronology record. 00:14:19.040 --> 00:14:22.880 Other thing to – important to note, the paleoseismic data doesn’t require 00:14:22.880 --> 00:14:26.136 the Little Salmon to always rupture with the megathrust. 00:14:26.160 --> 00:14:29.968 So it could also seem to rupture independently. 00:14:31.440 --> 00:14:34.800 Okay, so wrapping up. Numerous upper-plate faults 00:14:34.800 --> 00:14:37.600 with potential for Holocene activity. The majority of them are poorly 00:14:37.600 --> 00:14:41.120 characterized. The slab depth model indicate these faults have 00:14:41.120 --> 00:14:46.136 the potential to connect into the locked zone of the megathrust. 00:14:46.160 --> 00:14:49.280 We have historic examples of splay faulting and complex interactions 00:14:49.280 --> 00:14:54.560 with the megathrust upper-plate faults. 1964 Anchorage 9.2 earthquake 00:14:54.560 --> 00:14:57.680 with the Patton Bay Splay Fault is well-documented. 00:14:57.680 --> 00:15:01.840 And the 2016 Kaikoura event also shows a lot of similarities between 00:15:01.840 --> 00:15:06.080 southern Cascadia subduction zone. We have the paleoseismic record 00:15:06.080 --> 00:15:09.976 of the northwestern segment of Little Salmon that suggests there’s 00:15:10.000 --> 00:15:15.496 potential correlation between the megathrust and the Little Salmon. 00:15:15.520 --> 00:15:20.640 So overall, evidence suggests connectivity and complex interactions 00:15:20.640 --> 00:15:25.496 between lower-plate, megathrust, and upper-plate faults are plausible. 00:15:25.520 --> 00:15:28.880 I would strongly suggest that more field data is needed to evaluate and 00:15:28.880 --> 00:15:34.160 characterize faults and deformation in this region, particularly the Lidar 00:15:34.160 --> 00:15:39.360 currently ends basically at Fortuna, and it was found that the Lidar has 00:15:39.360 --> 00:15:44.480 been helpful to identify numerous faults that were unmapped and to also try and 00:15:44.480 --> 00:15:49.176 get a better sense of characterization of deformation in the region. 00:15:49.200 --> 00:15:50.640 Thanks a lot.