WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en-US 00:00:00.060 --> 00:00:03.139 So thanks, everybody. We’re really delighted to have 00:00:03.139 --> 00:00:06.870 this exciting meeting. We hope it’s exciting and interesting 00:00:06.870 --> 00:00:13.750 and stimulating and humorous and enjoyable. You’ll see this slide that 00:00:13.750 --> 00:00:17.320 John is about to show several times during the meeting. 00:00:17.320 --> 00:00:20.390 We have an organizing group of seven people, plus John – 00:00:20.390 --> 00:00:22.851 John is our tech guru. 00:00:22.876 --> 00:00:27.769 And if you have any questions during the meeting, feel free to 00:00:27.769 --> 00:00:31.460 reach out to any of us. If it’s a tech question, 00:00:31.460 --> 00:00:33.090 probably better to reach out to John. 00:00:33.090 --> 00:00:37.980 You can do that via – can you go back one slide, John? 00:00:37.980 --> 00:00:43.411 Probably better to, for tech questions, reach out to John or even use the chat. 00:00:43.411 --> 00:00:48.920 And there we go. And we wanted to make sure we got this message up here, 00:00:48.920 --> 00:00:51.970 and you’ll see this a few times through the meeting. 00:00:51.970 --> 00:00:58.210 We really want to make sure that this meeting is enjoyable for everyone 00:00:58.210 --> 00:01:03.884 involved, that we treat each other with respect and behave with integrity. 00:01:03.884 --> 00:01:07.409 And, if you’re not experiencing that with this meeting, 00:01:07.409 --> 00:01:10.049 please let one of the organizers know. 00:01:10.049 --> 00:01:12.558 Okay, next, John. 00:01:14.119 --> 00:01:18.470 Huh. So some of you may remember this from last year. 00:01:18.470 --> 00:01:21.420 It was Groundhog Day during our meeting, and I suggested that everyone 00:01:21.420 --> 00:01:25.225 wear pants just to make sure that we didn’t have any TikTok moments. 00:01:25.225 --> 00:01:28.225 Next, John. 00:01:29.124 --> 00:01:32.460 But this year, we’re two years into the pandemic, and you can 00:01:32.460 --> 00:01:37.329 wear whatever you feel like wearing. I don’t care. 00:01:37.329 --> 00:01:42.100 Maybe think about whether or not you turn your camera on. 00:01:42.100 --> 00:01:46.570 And I thought I’d let you know that tomorrow is the 222nd anniversary of 00:01:46.570 --> 00:01:52.179 the great 1700 Cascadia earthquake. And we’ll have a session about 00:01:52.179 --> 00:01:57.100 Cascadia and northern California – I forget if it’s Wednesday afternoon 00:01:57.100 --> 00:02:00.756 or Thursday morning, but during this meeting. 00:02:00.756 --> 00:02:04.049 Next, John, thanks. 00:02:04.049 --> 00:02:07.799 And I want to remind everybody about our external grants opportunities. 00:02:07.799 --> 00:02:11.650 I am, right now, revising the prospectus that will go out 00:02:11.650 --> 00:02:15.400 with that request for proposals. My job is to revise the part of 00:02:15.400 --> 00:02:18.469 the prospectus dealing with northern California. 00:02:18.469 --> 00:02:23.220 And I have to submit that tomorrow, or Friday, rather – one day after 00:02:23.220 --> 00:02:25.440 the end of this meeting. So the point of this meeting, 00:02:25.440 --> 00:02:29.870 or one of the things that I get out of this meeting is suggestions for topics 00:02:29.870 --> 00:02:35.939 to include in that prospectus. And the announcement for submission 00:02:35.939 --> 00:02:40.390 of grants will go out in mid-March. And, for those of you who aren’t aware, 00:02:40.390 --> 00:02:44.319 everyone who gets a grant from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program is 00:02:44.319 --> 00:02:48.390 required to submit a final technical report, and those end up on our website, 00:02:48.390 --> 00:02:51.030 and those are great sources of information. 00:02:51.030 --> 00:02:55.549 I encourage you to go peruse. You can search by region or author. 00:02:55.549 --> 00:03:00.870 I often go in there and search for northern California-related reports. 00:03:00.870 --> 00:03:03.957 And then the next slide, John. 00:03:03.957 --> 00:03:07.409 And, again, a reminder that we should be respectful of everyone 00:03:07.409 --> 00:03:10.260 in this meeting. And, if you feel that that is 00:03:10.260 --> 00:03:13.434 not happening, please let one of the organizers know. 00:03:13.434 --> 00:03:17.819 And, with that, welcome to the meeting. I hope everyone enjoys it 00:03:17.819 --> 00:03:24.845 as much as I’m hoping to enjoy it. And I’ll past this over to Sarah. 00:03:27.173 --> 00:03:30.420 - Hello. I’m Sarah Minson. I am one of the organizers of 00:03:30.420 --> 00:03:32.390 the workshop, along with everyone that Keith introduced. 00:03:32.390 --> 00:03:36.299 And I just wanted to give you a quick overview of how 00:03:36.299 --> 00:03:38.376 the workshop is going to work. 00:03:38.376 --> 00:03:43.580 We have a number of really exciting sessions of all presentations 00:03:43.580 --> 00:03:46.140 with great moderators. And what’s going to happen 00:03:46.140 --> 00:03:53.109 is the talks have been pre-recorded. While the video of each talk is playing, 00:03:53.109 --> 00:03:57.719 the speakers will be in the chat, and we encourage you to live chat 00:03:57.719 --> 00:04:01.359 with the speakers during their talk for clarification or general questions 00:04:01.359 --> 00:04:03.850 or just whatever you want. Just get in there and have a good time. 00:04:03.850 --> 00:04:06.900 And then, after we show all the talks in the session, we will 00:04:06.900 --> 00:04:13.269 open things up for a live Q-and-A. In addition to our regularly scheduled 00:04:13.269 --> 00:04:17.039 full-length talks, we will have an afternoon of short talks. 00:04:17.039 --> 00:04:19.590 And every single day, we will have a poster session. 00:04:19.590 --> 00:04:24.590 And you might be wondering, how do we do posters virtually? 00:04:24.590 --> 00:04:27.070 Don’t worry about it. We will have a tutorial 00:04:27.070 --> 00:04:29.490 on how the poster session will work at the beginning of 00:04:29.490 --> 00:04:32.790 the first poster session at 2:30 p.m. today. 00:04:32.790 --> 00:04:36.090 And, to explain how Zoom works and how you can chat with everyone 00:04:36.090 --> 00:04:37.970 during the talks and how everything is going to work, 00:04:37.970 --> 00:04:42.913 I give you our wonderful master of technology, John Grindle. 00:04:42.913 --> 00:04:44.759 - Hi, everybody. Thank you, Sarah. 00:04:44.759 --> 00:04:48.280 So I was fortunate enough to be here last year, and I’m here again. 00:04:48.280 --> 00:04:51.479 We’re going to start off with a real quick Zoom tutorial 00:04:51.479 --> 00:04:53.880 just so that we’re all on the same page. 00:04:53.880 --> 00:04:56.300 And then I will go over some ground rules, and then we’ll 00:04:56.300 --> 00:05:00.139 get everything started, and we’ll go through the talks. 00:05:00.139 --> 00:05:04.991 Here we go real quickly. Let’s see if we’ve got this going right. 00:05:04.991 --> 00:05:06.500 [background music] And I like to have music on 00:05:06.500 --> 00:05:10.840 everything that we do, so hopefully you will be happy with this. 00:05:10.840 --> 00:05:13.300 And we’ll go through this real quickly. 00:05:13.300 --> 00:05:17.190 If you are a Zoom expert, you’re going to know all this already, 00:05:17.190 --> 00:05:20.430 so feel free to just sing and dance. If you’re not, here we go with 00:05:20.430 --> 00:05:23.900 a real quick Zoom tutorial. If you’re on your computer, 00:05:23.900 --> 00:05:28.289 down on the bottom left, that’s where you will see the mute and unmute 00:05:28.289 --> 00:05:32.420 buttons, your chat, participants, and all the other buttons that we’ll use. 00:05:32.420 --> 00:05:35.100 If you don’t see the control button, 00:05:35.100 --> 00:05:38.977 you just need to hover down to the bottom of your screen. 00:05:38.977 --> 00:05:44.770 And, on the left, you can see mute and unmute and share your videos. 00:05:44.770 --> 00:05:49.080 For our speakers, if you ever see a button that looks like this, 00:05:49.080 --> 00:05:53.110 that means we can’t hear you. You’re going to hit that big blue button, 00:05:53.110 --> 00:05:55.270 and you’re going to pretend like nothing ever happened, 00:05:55.270 --> 00:05:57.397 and then we’ll be able to hear you. 00:05:57.397 --> 00:06:00.840 If you want to see the participants, you click the Participants button, 00:06:00.840 --> 00:06:03.789 and that will show you a list of all of the people here. 00:06:03.789 --> 00:06:08.780 You can also sort that – or, search that participants panel up in the top right 00:06:08.780 --> 00:06:13.967 by just typing in somebody’s name. We use the chat feature for our questions. 00:06:13.967 --> 00:06:16.610 So feel free to test out chat right now. 00:06:16.610 --> 00:06:21.130 If you want to send a message to an individual, you can choose a 00:06:21.130 --> 00:06:24.740 person’s name down in the bottom right. Or you can send it to everyone. 00:06:24.740 --> 00:06:30.030 When you’re asking questions, we recommended you ask the question 00:06:30.030 --> 00:06:34.490 to our speakers but share it with everybody publicly. 00:06:34.490 --> 00:06:42.069 And then also you can raise your hand or share reactions to the speakers 00:06:42.069 --> 00:06:46.280 by clicking the reactions button. This is how you’ll raise your hand and 00:06:46.280 --> 00:06:52.602 lower your hand when we get to that at the QA sessions after the talks are given. 00:06:52.629 --> 00:06:55.220 A couple other things. If you want to rename yourself, 00:06:55.220 --> 00:06:59.580 you can hover over your own image. Three little dots will appear, 00:06:59.580 --> 00:07:02.390 and then you can choose Rename to rename yourself. 00:07:02.390 --> 00:07:06.560 If you come in as iPhone 7, you can rename yourself to your full name. 00:07:06.560 --> 00:07:10.289 If you want to include your institution, you can do that as well. 00:07:10.289 --> 00:07:14.889 You can also do this through the Participants window up in the top right. 00:07:14.889 --> 00:07:18.120 Finally, if you are – when we’re sharing our screen, you can 00:07:18.120 --> 00:07:21.490 have different view options. If you want to choose gallery view 00:07:21.490 --> 00:07:24.070 to see other people’s faces, you can do that. 00:07:24.070 --> 00:07:26.949 And there’s a vertical divider that comes down in the middle. 00:07:26.949 --> 00:07:31.090 If you want to drag that to the left, you can minimize the presentation 00:07:31.090 --> 00:07:33.569 so you can see more people. 00:07:33.569 --> 00:07:39.250 If you are on a phone or a tablet, same general idea, slightly different process. 00:07:39.250 --> 00:07:41.690 Down on the bottom left, that is where you mute and unmute 00:07:41.690 --> 00:07:44.810 yourself and share your video. If you want to rename yourself, 00:07:44.810 --> 00:07:49.879 you click Participants first, then choose your name and click Rename. 00:07:49.879 --> 00:07:54.280 And then, to send a chat message, you need to click the three little dots 00:07:54.280 --> 00:07:58.139 to the right. That is the More button, and then you choose chat, 00:07:58.139 --> 00:08:01.860 and you can see that you can also do your reactions and 00:08:01.860 --> 00:08:04.290 raise and lower your hand from there. 00:08:04.332 --> 00:08:07.910 If you don’t see the control panel, you just need to touch the screen, and it’ll 00:08:07.910 --> 00:08:13.518 appear. And, on some devices, it will be at the top instead of on the bottom. 00:08:15.539 --> 00:08:20.770 And finally, Keith already mentioned this, but the USGS strives to provide 00:08:20.770 --> 00:08:24.650 a diverse, inclusive, and respectful environment because it is essential 00:08:24.650 --> 00:08:28.150 to the integrity of our organization and our science. 00:08:28.150 --> 00:08:32.219 If anything fails to exemplify these ideals, please alert an organizer 00:08:32.219 --> 00:08:35.760 for immediate assistance. And, that being said, 00:08:35.760 --> 00:08:39.349 and with that in mind, there are a few ground rules today. 00:08:39.349 --> 00:08:44.159 First, keep yourself on mute for most of it unless you are asked to unmute. 00:08:44.159 --> 00:08:48.670 Chat – we’re going to use chat to ask questions directly to our speakers. 00:08:48.670 --> 00:08:52.870 The speakers will be speaking through a recorded talk and then diligently 00:08:52.870 --> 00:08:55.060 answering as many questions as they can. 00:08:55.060 --> 00:08:57.630 [music stops] And obviously, we want to stay positive and be nice 00:08:57.630 --> 00:08:59.820 in any other comments that we make. 00:08:59.820 --> 00:09:02.670 [background music] At the Q-and-A session at the end, 00:09:02.670 --> 00:09:06.730 if you would like to ask a question verbally, you can raise your hand. 00:09:06.730 --> 00:09:09.760 We definitely encourage you to share your video while you’re speaking 00:09:09.760 --> 00:09:13.640 if you can, and if you want to put your full name and institution on there, 00:09:13.640 --> 00:09:16.640 that would be fantastic. One more quick thank-you 00:09:16.640 --> 00:09:21.520 to our organizers, Sarah, Keith, Shane, Susan, Josie, Belle, and David. 00:09:21.520 --> 00:09:24.649 And, if you need any help today, I’m your guy. 00:09:24.649 --> 00:09:28.747 You can send me a chat message to NCEHW Help. 00:09:28.747 --> 00:09:32.730 That’s what I named myself just so you could find it. My name is John. 00:09:32.730 --> 00:09:36.680 If you have big problems, you can email Shane or me, and hopefully 00:09:36.680 --> 00:09:41.300 we will get you set up there. And hopefully that wasn’t too bad. 00:09:41.300 --> 00:09:45.430 Extra credit if anybody knows where this picture was taken, 00:09:45.430 --> 00:09:49.300 when it was taken, who’s in the picture, or who took the photo. 00:09:49.300 --> 00:09:52.729 Anybody know? I don’t know. We’ll see if you do. 00:09:52.729 --> 00:09:58.529 And finally, we are now ready to get started, 00:09:58.529 --> 00:10:02.510 so I’m going to turn it back over to Keith so you can introduce our 00:10:02.510 --> 00:10:06.158 moderators, and we’ll go from there. [music stops] 00:10:11.189 --> 00:10:14.730 - Thanks for that excellent introduction, John. 00:10:14.730 --> 00:10:20.680 And I neglected to thank the organizers. Sarah Minson is the lead organizer. 00:10:20.680 --> 00:10:24.860 She deserves a huge round of applause for herding cats and keeping us all 00:10:24.860 --> 00:10:28.250 in line and getting us to this point. So thanks very much, Sarah. 00:10:28.250 --> 00:10:30.329 We really appreciate it. 00:10:30.329 --> 00:10:34.010 And everyone else on that list of organizers also worked really hard, 00:10:34.010 --> 00:10:37.420 but Sarah was our glue. Thank you. 00:10:37.420 --> 00:10:41.990 So our first session is going – the moderators for the first session 00:10:41.990 --> 00:10:47.125 are Anne Wein and Daniel Homsey. Anne is from the USGS, 00:10:47.125 --> 00:10:50.860 and Daniel is director of the Neighborhood Empowerment Network 00:10:50.860 --> 00:10:55.300 for the city administrator’s office of the city and county of San Francisco. 00:10:55.300 --> 00:10:59.089 We’re a little bit early, but I think we should just dive right into 00:10:59.089 --> 00:11:04.901 the first session and let Anne and Daniel get us going. 00:11:06.397 --> 00:11:08.689 [silence]