Listening to the environment with seismic waves (Virtual Seminar)

Lucia Gualtieri

Stanford University

Date & Time
Online-only seminar via Microsoft Teams

The last decade has witnessed a renaissance in the breadth of applications of seismology, which extended into non-traditional areas with the aim of studying environmental processes. A unique kind of seismic sources, identified by the coupling of different Earth systems into the solid Earth, provides a new way for monitoring the global environment and for exploring the Earth’s interior.

In this talk, I will present novel findings on the study of mass-wasting events and atmospheric-driven ocean storms through the analysis and modeling of seismic signals. In the first part of my talk, I will show how we can infer dynamics and main characteristics of remote landslides by using seismic data analysis and numerical modeling. In the second part of my talk, I will show how we can model seismic signals generated by ocean storms by numerical simulations, and how the time-varying behavior and strength of atmospheric and oceanic events can be estimated from decades of ambient seismic noise records.

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