qfaults web comp As of January 12, 2017, the USGS maintains a limited number of metadata fields that characterize the Quaternary faults and folds of the United States. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the interactive fault map.

Archived report (descriptions no longer maintained)

Big Sand Springs Valley fault, southern section (Class A) No. 1372b

Last Review Date: 1998-06-30

County(s) and State(s) NYE COUNTY, NEVADA
Physiographic province(s) BASIN AND RANGE
Reliability of location Good
Compiled at 1:100,000 scale.
Length (km) This section is 22 km of a total fault length of 41 km.
Average strike N29°E (for section)
Sense of movement Normal
Dip Direction NW
Historic earthquake
Most recent prehistoric deformation late Quaternary (<130 ka)
Slip-rate category Less than 0.2 mm/yr
References dePolo, C.M., 1998, A reconnaissance technique for estimating the slip rate of normal-slip faults in the Great Basin, and application to faults in Nevada, U.S.A.: Reno, University of Nevada, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 199 p.

Dohrenwend, J.C., Schell, B.A., and Moring, B.C., 1991, Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Lund 1° by 2° quadrangle, Nevada and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2180, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.

Schell, B.A., 1981, Faults and lineaments in the MX Sitting Region, Nevada and Utah, Volume I: Technical report to U.S. Department of [Defense] the Air Force, Norton Air Force Base, California, under Contract FO4704-80-C-0006, November 6, 1981, 77 p.

Schell, B.A., 1981, Faults and lineaments in the MX Siting Region, Nevada and Utah, Volume II: Technical report to U.S. Department of [Defense] the Air Force, Norton Air Force Base, California, under Contract FO4704-80-C-0006, November 6, 1981, 29 p., 11 pls., scale 1:250,000.