2008 National Seismic Hazard Maps-Fault parameters
New Search
Fault Name State
Likely California
Dip (degrees) 90
Dip direction V
Sense of slip strike slip
Rupture top (km) 0
Rupture bottom (km) 11
Rake (degrees) 180
Length (km) 64
Slip Rate 0.3
Probability of activity 1
Minimum magnitude 6.5 6.5
Maximum magnitude 7.00 6.90
b-value 0.8 0.8
Fault Model Deformation
Char Rate1 GR-a-value1 Weight
Stitched 2.1 1.61e-04 / 2.27e-04 1.271 / 1.407 0.50
UnStitched 2.1 1.61e-04 / 2.27e-04 1.271 / 1.407 0.50
Stitched 2.4 1.61e-04 / 2.27e-04 1.271 / 1.407 0.50
UnStitched 2.4 1.61e-04 / 2.27e-04 1.271 / 1.407 0.50
1 1st Value is based on Ellsworth relation and 2nd value is based on Hanks and Bakun relation
Unconstrained slip rate based on assumption by authors that up to 5 m of dextral offset of latest Pleistocene shorelines at northern Madeline Plains (Bryant, 1991) may go unobserved and also overall geomorphic expression of fault zone.