2008 National Seismic Hazard Maps-Fault parameters
New Search
Fault Name State
Simpson Park Mountains fault zone Nevada
Dip (degrees) 60/50/40
Dip direction W
Sense of slip normal
Rupture top (km) 0
Rupture bottom (km) 15
Rake (degrees) -90
Length (km) 73
Probability of activity 1
Minimum magnitude 6.5
Maximum magnitude 7.24
b-value 0.8
Assigned Dip Fault-Parallel Slip Rate Width Annual Rate a-value Branch Weight
40 0.34 23.3 2.14e-04 1.453 0.2
50 0.29 19.6 1.51e-04 1.301 0.6
60 0.25 17.3 1.18e-04 1.194 0.2
dePolo (1998) assigned a preferred vertical slip rate of 0.22 mm/yr based on "known" data, and dePolo and Anderson (2000) repeated the value. However, the data that constrain this slip rate is not documented, as are similar data for other faults used as calibration points in his model.