Velocities and Uncertainties


Station Longitude Latitude Elevation Velocity (E) Velocity (N) Sigma (E) Sigma (N) Correlation (N-E) Velocity (U) Sigma (U)
SLLZ -121.42702 40.4935 2025.40973 -10.35 5.44 0.62 0.62 0.0000 -7.37 1.87


Station Longitude Latitude Elevation Velocity (E) Velocity (N) Sigma (E) Sigma (N) Correlation (N-E) Velocity (U) Sigma (U)
SLLZ -121.42702 40.4935 2025.40973 -23.60 -6.48 0.62 0.62 0.0000 -7.62 1.87


Station Longitude Latitude Elevation Velocity (E) Velocity (N) Sigma (E) Sigma (N) Correlation (N-E) Velocity (U) Sigma (U)
SLLZ -121.42702 40.4935 2025.40973 -10.06 4.98 0.62 0.62 0.0000 -7.62 1.87

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