M 5.8 - 12 km ENE of Simav, Turkey

  • 2011-05-19 20:15:22 (UTC)
  • 39.149°N 29.103°E
  • 7.0 km depth

Tectonic Summary

Turkey is a tectonically active region that experiences frequent destructive earthquakes. The shock of May 19, 2011, occurred in a broad area that is characterized by north-south tectonic extension, with earthquakes being produced by normal-faulting or strike-slip faulting. Preliminary analysis of seismographic data imply that the earthquake occurred as the result of slip on a normal fault that trends approximately east-west. The epicenter is 40 km west of the epicenter of the magnitude 6.9 Gediz earthquake of March, 1970, which killed over 1000 people, and which also occurred as the result of normal-faulting.

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