M 6.3 - 39 km WSW of Dêqên, China

  • 2008-10-06 08:30:45 (UTC)
  • 29.807°N 90.350°E
  • 12.0 km depth

Tectonic Summary

The eastern Xizang earthquake of October 6, 2008 occurred as a result of normal faulting in the Tibetan Plateau. The style of faulting is inferred from the characteristics of seismic waves radiated by the earthquake source. The faulting that caused the earthquake is a consequence of predominantly east-west oriented extensional stress that ultimately arises from the convergence of the India plate northwards with respect to the Eurasia plate at a rate of over 40 mm/yr. This convergence drives the uplift of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibetan Plateau and produces generally north-south compressional stresses on the north and south margins of the plateau. The plateau interior is spreading to the east and, as a result, is an area of east-west extension within the larger region of north-south compression. The epicentral region of the 2008 earthquake previously experienced a magnitude 6.1 normal faulting earthquake on July 30, 1992.

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