M 6.0 - 75 km SSW of Dadukou, China

  • 2003-07-21 15:16:31 (UTC)
  • 25.975°N 101.290°E
  • 10.0 km depth

Tectonic Summary

The July 21 earthquake occurred as the result of strike-slip faulting. Southwestern China is traversed by several major, seismically active, strike-slip faults, and many destructive earthquakes have occurred on lesser strike-slip faults. The epicenter of the July 21 earthquake is about 100 km north-northeast of the large Red River fault and about 100 km west of the large Anninghe fault. The causative fault of the July 21 earthquake has not yet been identified.

In a broad sense, strike-slip faults and earthquakes in southwestern China result from the eastward motion of the Earth's crust that is driven by the collision of the Indian and Eurasian continental plates beneath the Himalaya Mountains and the Tibetan Plateau farther to the west.

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